Question: Are you a registered non-profit organization?

Answer: Yes, we are registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization and thus all deductions are fully tax deductible under IRC Section 170

Question: How will you issues grants?

Answer: Our goal is to keep it simple and pragmatic, using an on-line application for recipients to submit a request for a grant, which will be reviewed by our granting team, consisting of Eric, Brian, and other volunteers from education and our community.

Question: How will you raise money?

Answer: We will be looking to raise money for those community members and friends who have a passion to help our underserved student populations and who to see those funds provided directly to students and organizations to achieve their goals. We will rely on primarily on on-line donations to keep costs low, hoping that world of mouth and social media can bring us additional donors.

Question: How will we know how our money will be spent?

Answer: We will track every dollar received and provide regular semi-annual reporting to our donors about the opportunities we have granted alongside our total donations and total expenses. We also plan to ask our recipients to provide testimonials on the impact their grant made on their lives, so you can see first-hand the impact your donation is having.